I PRomise U, i will not be a bad guy In My FuturE LifE So u Not NeeD To BE sad....
Friday, December 22, 2006
A SoNg To my Fav God Bro ShawN & His STeAd
我的心唱首歌给你听歌词是如此的甜蜜可是我害羞我没有勇气对你说一句我爱你为什么你还是不言不语难道(是)你不懂我的心不管你用什么方式表明我会对你说我愿意千言万语里只有一句话能表白我的心千言万语里只有一句话就能够让我们相偎相依我爱你你是我的茱丽叶茱丽叶我愿意变成你的粱山伯幸福的每一天浪漫的每一夜把爱永远不放开i love you我爱你你是我的罗密欧罗密欧我愿意变成你的祝英台幸福的每一天浪漫的每一夜美丽的爱情祝福着未来为什么你还是不言不语不言不语难道是你不懂我的心不管你用什么方式表明我会对你说我愿意
YoU QinG Ren ZhOng Cheng Juan ShU.......
if yOu All CaN ReAlLy Be ToGEther UnTil DiE...
i rEalLY CaN GiVe up My LIFe To YoU All.....HaHa....Im CrAzY Liaozz.........lol
YoU QinG Ren ZhOng Cheng Juan ShU.......
if yOu All CaN ReAlLy Be ToGEther UnTil DiE...
i rEalLY CaN GiVe up My LIFe To YoU All.....HaHa....Im CrAzY Liaozz.........lol
Saturday, December 9, 2006
A SoNg GiVe PinG & WiN
pInG I noE U uNtIl Nw still Cannot FoRgeT eDwIn....BUt If ReAlly Can sTEaD.........Ur Bro Zhi ZhOng wilL stiLl ObJeCtiOn u Two Became stEad......BeCoz Of tat ThINg.......u nOE Wat i meAn Rite?? So I dun Wan to Say This OuT........Cuz thIs is Too SHamEfUl.........If U rEalLy cAnt ForgEt Him..............tHen i nOtHhInG To Say Le.......oNly Gt a song to givE u & WiN....
A SoNg GiVe PinG & WiN
pInG I noE U uNtIl Nw still Cannot FoRgeT eDwIn....BUt If ReAlly Can sTEaD.........Ur Bro Zhi ZhOng wilL stiLl ObJeCtiOn u Two Became stEad......BeCoz Of tat ThINg.......u nOE Wat i meAn Rite?? So I dun Wan to Say This OuT........Cuz thIs is Too SHamEfUl.........If U rEalLy cAnt ForgEt Him..............tHen i nOtHhInG To Say Le.......oNly Gt a song to givE u & WiN....
YoU Qing ren ZhOng ChEn juan shU
I HoPe CaLViN & AdelIne can RealLi PaTCh AgAin BeCaMe SteAd Again......i hope HeAvEn Or AdeLine CaN ReallY GiVe CalvIn A laSt mOrE ChanCe.....haIzz....I stop At heRe.....I Would yOu reALLy can give A ChAnCe.......
YuPpie........my FAv goD Bro havE A GirlFrienD Le..........ThE Girl oso tat we NoE.......i hope Her MotHer Can ReaLLy Let ThEm StEaD........
girl 每当我开始沉默的时候你比我更难过好像你的错girl 每当我梦想未来的时候你兴奋的感受比我还要多轻柔像阵微风吹过我的心中一切都会不同透过了你的眼情人爱却更多虚情假意的话不说只用一颗真心默默爱我最珍贵的感动尽在不言中girl 我不是故意对你冷落大部份的时候我不够温柔girl 我强烈感到时间不够想牵着你的手对抗寂寞轻柔像阵微风让我从容不迫一切都会不同有了你在身边我唯一的情人爱却更多虚情假意的话不说只用一颗真心默默爱我最珍贵的感动 my love情人爱却更多开始就要爱到最后於是你我真心越来越浓最珍贵的感动藏在我心中
YuPpie........my FAv goD Bro havE A GirlFrienD Le..........ThE Girl oso tat we NoE.......i hope Her MotHer Can ReaLLy Let ThEm StEaD........
girl 每当我开始沉默的时候你比我更难过好像你的错girl 每当我梦想未来的时候你兴奋的感受比我还要多轻柔像阵微风吹过我的心中一切都会不同透过了你的眼情人爱却更多虚情假意的话不说只用一颗真心默默爱我最珍贵的感动尽在不言中girl 我不是故意对你冷落大部份的时候我不够温柔girl 我强烈感到时间不够想牵着你的手对抗寂寞轻柔像阵微风让我从容不迫一切都会不同有了你在身边我唯一的情人爱却更多虚情假意的话不说只用一颗真心默默爱我最珍贵的感动 my love情人爱却更多开始就要爱到最后於是你我真心越来越浓最珍贵的感动藏在我心中
Tuesday, December 5, 2006
GivE All My God BrO And GOd SisTer And FrenZ
小朋友你是否有很多顽抗为什么别人在那看漫画我却在学画画对这钢琴说话别人在玩游戏我却在躲在家背abc 我说我要一架大大的飞机我却得到一只旧旧螺旋机为什么要听妈妈的话长大后你就会开始懂得这段话长大后我开始明白为什么我跑得比别人快飞得比别人高将来大家看的都是我画的漫画大家唱的都是我写的歌妈妈的心她不让你看见温暖的事都在她心里面有空就得多摸摸她的手把手牵着一起梦游听妈妈的话别让她受伤想快快长大才能保护她美丽的白发幸福中发芽天使的魔法温暖中慈祥在你的未来音乐是你的王牌那王牌谈的恋爱而我不想把你教坏还是听妈妈的话吧晚年再恋爱吧我知道你未来的路干嘛比我更清楚你因为太多学习的同学在这块写东写西但我建议最好听妈妈我会用功读书用功读书怎么会从我嘴巴说出不想你输所以要叫你用功读书妈妈挑给你的毛病你要好好的收着因为不知道是我要告诉她我还留着对了我会遇到我(周润发?)所以你对跟同学炫耀赌神未来是你爸爸我找不到你写的情书你喜欢的要承认因为我会了解你会在操场上牵她你会开始喜欢唱流行歌因为张学友开始准备唱吻别听妈妈的话别让她受伤想快快长大才能保护她美丽的白发幸福总发芽天使的魔法温暖中慈祥听妈妈的话别让她受伤想快快长大才能保护她长大后我开始明白为什么我跑得比别人快飞得比别人高将来大家看的都是我画的漫画大家唱的都是我写的歌妈妈的心她不让你看见温暖的事都在她心里面有空就得多摸摸她的手把手牵着一起梦游听妈妈的话别让她受伤想快快长大才能保护她美丽的白发幸福中发芽天使的魔法温暖中慈祥
Friday, November 24, 2006
this is a song tat i will sing to agnes!!!!!!!!!!!!!
一杯二锅头 呛得眼泪流 一杯二锅头 呛得眼泪流 生旦净末丑 好汉不回头 你若要走 我不会留 强留的爱情不会撑得太久 不耐寂寞 尺度游走 别以为地下恋情密不透风 我说算你狠 善用无辜的眼神 谎话说了两次我就当真 我说算我笨 软不隆咚的耳根 只为一时的气氛 搞一肚子的气愤 一看到你我就想到过去 就立刻让我血冲到脑子里去 我的心里只会永远的恨你 你跟别人吃香又喝辣去 丢我一个人在这里吹冷空气 我会活得很好真的没关系 你真是没什么良心 把我就这样抛弃 我真是没什么出息 对你还放不下去 喝什么酒解什么愁 喝一杯请你走路不必回头 午夜过后酒吧门口 我走了以免哎呦飞来横祸 我说算你狠 善用无辜的眼神 谎话说了两次我就当真 我说算我笨 软不隆咚的耳根 只为一时的气氛搞一肚子的气愤 一看到你我就想到过去 就立刻让我血冲到脑子里去 我的心里只会永远的恨你 你跟别人吃香又喝辣去 丢我一个人在这里吹冷空气 我会活得很好真的没关系 WHAT'S UP SPEAK UP OR JUST SHUT UP 你到底哪一点在不爽心里不平衡 作祟的是男人最要命的自尊YOU KNOW 还是那女人骄傲的高跟和红唇 思春的虫子命运蠢蠢蠢 打不开的心门那就只好闷闷闷 你要学学那个屡败屡战的陈小春 否则就注定要当一辈子的光棍 一看到你我就想到过去 就立刻让我血冲到脑子里去 我的心里只会永远的恨你 你跟别人吃香又喝辣去 丢我一个人在这里吹冷空气 我会活得很好真的没关系 一看到你我就想到过去 就立刻让我血冲到脑子里去 我的心里只会永远的恨你 你跟别人吃香又喝辣去 丢我一个人在这里吹冷空气 我会活得很好真的没关系 心事那无讲出来 有谁人会知心爱你拿有了解请你着忍耐 一杯二锅头呛得眼泪流 生旦净末丑好汉不回头 一杯二锅头(台] 呛得眼泪流(粤) 生旦净末丑好汉不回头(客)
HavE a GreAt Fun In EscApe ThEme parK
on 24/11/2006, me and calvin,ming lun,mei nv,jet.wei rong,fei sian,fs boyfrenz,agnes,adeline and my favorite god-bro_Shawn.
we take mrt go there and we have fun in the mrt and playin poker card in the mrt oso......................hehee...................so fun.....................when we reach escape theme park..................it raining,but we went to x-zone to play games until the rain is stopped.................and ard 45 mins later..the rain is stopped.........then we go again to reach the ETP..................and play a lot of fun and games..........maybe this call shiok.......hhaha.......we play until the ETP is closed then we go home......................hahahax
we take mrt go there and we have fun in the mrt and playin poker card in the mrt oso......................hehee...................so fun.....................when we reach escape theme park..................it raining,but we went to x-zone to play games until the rain is stopped.................and ard 45 mins later..the rain is stopped.........then we go again to reach the ETP..................and play a lot of fun and games..........maybe this call shiok.......hhaha.......we play until the ETP is closed then we go home......................hahahax
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
A HaPPy Day Tat I HavE a New God BroTHer
on 19 oct 2006, i and mdm teo go to class 1B..........................teachin them science cuz their exam paper was on my hands................................so if they all make noise i will not distribute their end of year sci exam paper.................................while they are checkin their sci paper............................i n mdm teo setting up the laptop to let the class see a movie named " HIgH ScHooL MuSiCaL".........................on the time i went to behind n sit beside shawn chuah lala.................n tel him can i be ur god-bro?????then he said ok!!!!!!!!!!! and he oso said tat im his first god-bro in his life................hahaha.....................so good........................
A soNg For My WeStWoOd Sec TeacHeRs
Westlife - You Raise Me Up
When I am down and, oh my soul, so weary; When troubles come and my heart burdened be; Then, I am still and wait here in the silence, Until you come and sit awhile with me. You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; You raise me up… To more than I can be. You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; You raise me up… To more than I can be. You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; You raise me up… To more than I can be. You raise me up, so I can stand on mountains; You raise me up, to walk on stormy seas; I am strong, when I am on your shoulders; You raise me up… To more than I can be. You raise me up… To more than I can be. ThX All ThE WeStwOod TeAcheRs FOr TeAcHiNg Me 4 YRs EducAtIon ...............................
FareWelL AssEMblY 2006
This is a day tat i give up my chairperson of sec 4A to my future students in wwss.............this is oso a dae tat our sch celebratin e sec 4Nt,4E and sec 5Na leavin school...............this day is a sad n happy day.................y i like tat said lehz....................is because i will miss my teachers and my friendzzz.............happy is our teachers wish us gd luck and sing a nice song named "Go The Distance" tat mean call us to go n reach the distance asap........................i think teachers are like tat said wan lahz...............heehee..................
Go The Distance
I have often dreamed Of a far off place Where a hero's welcome Would be waiting for me Where the crowds will cheer When they see my face And a voice keeps saying This is where I'm meant to be I'll be there someday I can go the distance I will find my way If I can be strong I know ev'ry mile Will be worth my while When I go the distance I'll be right where I belong Down an unknown road To embrace my fate Though the road may wander It will lead me to you And a thousand years Would be worth the wait It may take a lifetime But somehow I'll see it through And I won't look back I can go the distance And I'll stay on track No I won't accept defeat It's an uphill slope But I won't lose hope Till I go the distance And my journey is complete But to look beyond the glory is the hardest part For a hero's strength is measured by his heart Like a shooting star I will go the distance I will search the world I will face its harms I don't care how far I can go the distance TillI find my hero's welcome Waiting in your arms... I will search the world I will face its harms TillI find my hero's welcome Waiting in your arms...Life Is ReallY Sux Mahz?????
(Bad Day)Where is the moment we needed the most Where is the moment we needed the most You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost They tell me your blue skies fade to grey They tell me your passion's gone away And I don't need no carryin' on Bad Day--Daniel Powter You stand in the line just to hit a new low You're faking a smile with the coffee to go You tell me your life's been way off line You're falling to pieces everytime And I don't need no carryin' on Cause you had a bad day You're taking one down You sing a sad song just to turn it around You say you don't know You tell me don't lie You work at a smile and you go for a ride You had a bad day The camera don't lie You're coming back down and you really don't mind You had a bad day You had a bad day Bad Day--Daniel Powter Well you need a blue sky holiday The point is they laugh at what you say And I don't need no carryin' on You had a bad day You're taking one down You sing a sad song just to turn it around You say you don't know You tell me don't lie You work at a smile and you go for a ride You had a bad day The camera don't lie You're coming back down and you really don't mind You had a bad day (Oh.. Holiday..) Sometimes the system goes on the blink And the whole thing turns out wrong You might not make it back and you know That you could be well oh that strong And I'm not wrong Bad Day--Daniel Powter So where is the passion when you need it the most Oh you and I You kick up the leaves and the magic is lost Cause you had a bad day You're taking one down You sing a sad song just to turn it around You say you don't know You tell me don't lie You work at a smile and you go for a ride You had a bad day You've seen what you like And how does it feel for one more time You had a bad day You had a bad day Had a bad day Had a bad day
yoyo.................Tis is My first Time writing blog......................so lame...................i hope all my friendz and students study on wwss can pass their exams wif a flying colour and i hope all my classmates and friendz can reach ur goals and do a good future for the nxxt 60 yrs.....................hahahaxxx
yoyo.................Tis is My first Time writing blog......................so lame...................i hope all my friendz and students study on wwss can pass their exams wif a flying colour and i hope all my classmates and friendz can reach ur goals and do a good future for the nxxt 60 yrs.....................hahahaxxx
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